Getting Started


The following documentation serves as your guide to the new theme. Since this is Ghost theme documentation, it is assumed that you have a basic knowledge of the Ghost.

Getting Started

Uploading a theme

This is where the magic happens! You are able to upload, activate and delete a theme in the Ghost Admin of your publication.

  1. To upload a theme, go to the 'Theme' settings in the Ghost Admin and click 'Change theme' button.
  2. Then click the 'Upload theme' button in the upper right corner.
  3. Once uploaded, click 'Activate' to activate the theme on your site.

Dark version

The dark version introduces a fresh and distinctive appearance for your website, bringing a modern and stylish aesthetic that enhances the visual experience for your visitors.

  1. Go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. On the right you’ll see the tab 'Theme' – expand this settings list and go to the 'Color scheme' position.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select your option.
  4. Finally, click 'Save' to activate.
Tip: Dark version depending on operating system preferences
Modern operating systems (Windows, macOS, iOS, etc.) allow users to choose their preference for light or dark system themes. The below feature is used to detect if the user has requested the system to use a light or dark color theme.
  1. To activate an auto dark version based on user operating system preferences, select the 'Auto' option.
  2. Click 'Save' to activate.

Search function

By default, the theme uses a native search option. You can also use the search function specially designed for this theme — to do this, you must set the Content API key.

Step 1: Generating Content API key
  1. To generate 'Content API key', go to the 'Integrations' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. Click 'Add custom integration', then give the new integration a name, like 'Search', and click the 'Add' button.
  3. Copy your 'Content API key' and click 'Save & close'.
Step 2: Activate the search function
  1. Go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. On the right you’ll see the tab 'Site-wide' – expand this settings list and go to the 'Content API key for search' position.
  3. Paste your 'Content API key'.
  4. Finally, click 'Save' to activate.

Pinned section

  1. Open the post you would like to add to the pinned section.
  2. Then, go to the 'Post/Page settings' panel using the icon in the top right of the screen.
  3. At the bottom of the panel, you'll find a switch labeled 'Feature this post/page.'
  4. Click the switch and close the panel.
The 'Announcements' section is for featured pages and the 'Don't miss it' section for featured posts.
Tip: How to add your own color to 'Announcements' section?
  1. To add your own color, go the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. On the left you’ll see the option 'Homepage' – expand this settings list and go to the 'Color for announcements' position.
  3. Use the palette to select a color.
  4. Finally, click 'Save' to activate.
  1. Go to the 'Labs' settings in the Ghost Admin, click on 'Beta features' tab and you will find the 'Routes' section.
  2. Upload the routes.yaml file with these settings:

    permalink: /{slug}/
    filter: featured:false
    template: index
    permalink: /featured/{slug}/
    filter: featured:true
    template: index

  tag: /tag/{slug}/
  author: /author/{slug}/

This would set an additional /featured/ URL address for all posts that has been marked as featured. This change is required to remove those posts from the main collection.


Social accounts

Facebook and X
  1. To add Facebook and X account to your publication, go to the 'Social accounts' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. Once adding social accounts, click 'Save' to activate.
  1. Open ../partials/footer_icons.hbs file in your code editor.
  2. Then, uncomment the block – remove the lines which contains {{!-- and --}} for the chosen profile icon.
  3. Now replace the # for each href value with your own profile links.
  4. Save your footer_icons.hbs file in ../partials/ folder.

Authors page

To present all authors from your publication in an elegant way, you can add a custom authors page.

  1. Create a new page, add a page title, and open the 'Page settings' panel using the icon in the top right of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the panel you’ll see a dropdown menu titled 'Template'.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select the 'Authors' template, close the panel.
  4. Finally, click 'Publish'.

Tags page

To present all tags from your publication in an elegant way, you can add a custom tags page.

  1. Create a new page, add a page title, and open the 'Page settings' panel using the icon in the top right of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the panel you’ll see a dropdown menu titled 'Template'.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select the 'Tags' template, close the panel.
  4. Finally, click 'Publish'.

Contact page

If you wish to have a direct way in which your readers can contact you, you can add a contact page based on Formspree or Getform.

Step 1: Add your Formspree or Getform endpoint
  1. Go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. On the right you’ll see the tab 'Site-wide' – expand this settings list and go to the 'Contact form endpoint' position.
  3. Paste your Formspree or Getform endpoint, e.g.
  4. Finally, click 'Save' to activate.
Step 2: Add a contact page
  1. Create a new page, add a page title, and open the 'Page settings' panel using the icon in the top right of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the panel you’ll see a dropdown menu titled 'Template'.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select the 'Contact' template, close the panel.
  4. Finally, click 'Publish'.

Accent color

Primary color used in your publication.

  1. To change the accent color in your publication, go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. On the right you’ll see the tab 'Brand' – expand this settings list and go to the 'Accent color' position.
  3. Choose your color.
  4. Finally, click 'Save' to activate.


You can change fonts using the 'Typography' setting in the 'Design & branding' section.

Using this option might not always give the best results because fonts are designed for different purposes and can vary in size. The theme doesn’t affect the list of available fonts or adjust them, so it’s a good idea to experiment and find what works best for your needs.
  1. Go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. On the right, you’ll see the 'Brand' tab and find the 'Typography' section.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select your option.
  4. Finally, click 'Save' to activate.

Colors of post-cards

You can easily customize the color of post-cards. Choose a color from the palette or add your own.

  1. To add the color, just add an adequate internal tag in 'Post settings' panel to the published post.
  2. For example, add an internal tag #post-card-purple (tags which are prefixed by a # character, are internal tags within Ghost).
  3. Click 'Update', to activate.
  1. The tag slug should be hash-post-card-colorname, for example hash-post-card-purple
Available colors










































































Tip: How to add your own color?
  1. To add your own color, go the 'Code injection' settings in the Ghost Admin and paste this code to the 'Site header':
.tag-hash-post-card-custom-yourcolor .global-color::after {
   background-color: #fff
  1. Change the -yourcolor name to your own color name.
  2. Change the value of the #fff parameter to your own color.
  3. Click 'Save'.
  4. Go to the 'Post settings' panel and add an internal tag #post-card-custom-yourcolor to the published post.
  5. Click 'Update', to activate.
  1. The tag slug should be hash-post-card-custom-yourcolor
Tip: How to add one color for all post-cards?
  1. To add one color for all post-cards, go the 'Code injection' settings in the Ghost Admin and paste this code to the 'Site header':
:root body {
   --bg-color-all: #fff
  1. Change the -yourcolor name to your own color name.
  2. Change the value of the #fff parameter to your own color.
  3. Click 'Save'.
  4. Go to the 'Post settings' panel and add an internal tag #post-card-custom-yourcolor to the published post.
  5. Click 'Update', to activate.
  1. The tag slug should be hash-post-card-one-color

Colors of post background

You can easily add color to the post background.

  1. To add the color to the post background, just add an adequate internal tag in 'Post settings' panel to the published post.
  2. For example, add an internal tag #post-bg-ruby (tags which are prefixed by a # character, are internal tags within Ghost).
  3. Click 'Update', to activate.
  1. The tag slug should be hash-post-bg-colorname, for example hash-post-bg-ruby
Available light colors 
Light colors means that the texts on the site will be black.




















Available dark colors
Dark colors means that the texts on the site will be white.





















Colors of background

You can easily add color of background on your site. You can choose a color from the color palette or add your own.

  1. To add the color of background of your site, just add an adequate internal tag in 'Post settings' panel to the published post – this is a global setting that applies to all pages in your site.
  2. For example, add an internal tag #site-ruby (tags which are prefixed by a # character, are internal tags within Ghost).
  3. Click 'Update', to activate.
  1. The tag slug should be hash-site-colorname, for example hash-site-ruby
Available light colors 
Light colors means that the texts on the site will be black.




















Available dark colors
Dark colors means that the texts on the site will be white.




















Tip: How to add your own color?
  1. To add your own color, go the 'Code injection' settings in the Ghost Admin and paste this code to the 'Site header':
.global-hash-site-custom-light-color {
   --color-site-light: #333

The code for light color with black texts on the site.

.global-hash-site-custom-dark-color {
   --color-site-dark: #333

The code for dark color with white texts on the site.

  1. Change the value of the #333 parameter to your own color.
  2. Click 'Save'.
  3. Go to the 'Post settings' panel and add an internal tag #site-custom-light-color or #site-custom-dark-color to one of the published posts.
  4. Click 'Update', to activate.
  1. The tag slug should be hash-site-custom-light-color or hash-site-custom-dark-color

Hide author

Decide whether you want to display the author in the feed and on the post page.

  1. To hide the author, go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. On the right you’ll see the tab 'Theme' – expand this settings list and go to the 'Show author' position.
  3. Use the toggle switch.
  4. Finally, click 'Save' to activate.

'Load more' button

When you have a large number of posts in a pagination pages, your visitors see a 'Load more' button in the form of a circle. We have added an easy way to change the 'circle' to a standard button with 'Load more' text.

  1. To activate a standard 'load more' button, go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. On the right you’ll see the tab 'Site-wide' – expand this settings list and go to the 'Standard load more button' position.
  3. Use the toggle switch.
  4. Finally, click 'Save' to activate.

Responsive tables

The responsive table will display a horizontal scroll bar if the screen is too small to display the full content. The following description applies to the table added using the markdown card.

By default, the table adapts to the window width. If you have a table that is too wide, you can add a container <div class="responsive-table"> element with around the table, and it will display a horizontal scroll bar when needed.
  1. To add a responsive table, use the 'Markdown card'.
  2. Add a container <div class="responsive-table"> element with around the table (in markdown there always needs to be a blank line between any HTML and markdown).
<div class="responsive-table">

| # | Heading | Heading | Heading | Heading | Heading |
| 1 | Cell    | Cell    | Cell    | Cell    | Cell    |
| 2 | Cell    | Cell    | Cell    | Cell    | Cell    |
| 3 | Cell    | Cell    | Cell    | Cell    | Cell    |


Markdown table syntax is quite simple. It does not allow row or cell spanning as well as putting multi-line text in a cell. The first row is always the header followed by an extra line with dashes - and optional colons : for forcing column alignment.

Tip: What it takes to generate a table?

To generate a table, you can use the tool Markdown Tables Generator.


Custom pages

The members feature allows you to turn any site into a membership business with member signup, paid subscriptions and email newsletters.

The members feature is enabled by default. However, you need to create the following pages to avoid the 404 error.

  1. Create an Account page.
  2. Create Signup & Signin pages.
Tip: What to do in case of an 400 error with message e.g. 'Missing template members/signin.hbs for route /signin/'
The error indicates that there was previously used a routes.yaml file with another theme that required it. To solve the problem, reset the routes.yaml file to its default settings.

    permalink: /{slug}/
    template: index

  tag: /tag/{slug}/
  author: /author/{slug}/

Default settings for routes.yaml file


Login panel

The login panel is a navigation component that shows 'Register for free / Sign in' button when a member is logged out.

Tip: Replacing 'Register for free' with 'Membership' (Requires theme editing)
  1. You can easily replace the 'Register for free' page with 'Membership', for this purpose open ../partials/members/login_panel.hbs file in your code editor and find:
<a href="{{@site.url}}/signup/">{{t "Register for free"}}</a>
  1. Then, replace with:
<a href="{{@site.url}}/membership/">Membership</a>
  1. Save your login_panel.hbs file in ../partials/members/ folder.

Account page

The account page shows your members the type of account they’re having and gives them some subscription specific data.

  1. Create a new page, add a page title, and open the 'Page settings' panel using the icon in the top right of the screen.
  2. Provide the appropriate 'Page URL' as /account/
  3. At the bottom of the panel you’ll see a dropdown menu titled 'Template'.
  4. Use the dropdown menu to select the 'Account' template, close the panel.
  5. Finally, click 'Publish'.

Signup & Signin pages

The 'Signup' and 'Signin' pages are allowing your visitors to sign up to your site in order to access members only content.

  1. Create a new page, add a page title, and open the 'Page settings' panel using the icon in the top right of the screen.
  2. Provide the appropriate 'Page URL' as /signin/ for the 'Signin' page and /signup/ for the 'Signup' page.
  3. At the bottom of the panel, you’ll see a dropdown menu titled 'Template'.
  4. Use the dropdown menu to select the 'Signin' for the signin page and 'Signup' for the signup page.
  5. Finally, click 'Publish'.

Membership page

The 'Membership' page is helping your visitors to quickly visualize and compare the different pricing plans you offer.

  1. Create a new page, add a page title, and open the 'Page settings' panel using the icon in the top right of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the panel you’ll see a dropdown menu titled 'Template'.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select the 'Membership' template, close the panel.
  4. Finally, click 'Publish'.
Tip: How to add premium tier?
  1. Go to the 'Tiers' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. Click on the 'Connect with Stripe' and configure your Stripe account.
  3. If you have Stripe connected, click '+Add tier' – add your own tier name, description, monthly and yearly prices and list of benefits.
  4. Click 'Save & close'.
  5. Making tiers available to visitors – from the 'Portal settings', you can control which tiers appear on your site.
Tip: How to add description and list of benefits to free tier?
  1. Go to the 'Tiers' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. Click 'Free' position and add your tier description and list of benefits.
  3. Finally, click 'Save & close' to activate.

Subscribe page

The subscribe page is allowing your visitors to sign up to your site in order to access members only content and receive the premium newsletter.

  1. Create a new page, add a page title, and open the 'Page settings' panel using the icon in the top right of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the panel you’ll see a dropdown menu titled 'Template'.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select the 'Subscribe' template, close the panel.
  4. Finally, click 'Publish'.


The native comments feature in Ghost allows you to invite members to join the discussion and participate in a community directly on your website. Alternatively, you can opt for the Disqus option.

Ghost comments
  1. To enable native comments, go to the 'Access' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. Change the 'Commenting' level to 'All members' or 'Paid-members only'.
  3. Finally, click 'Save' to activate.
Disqus comments
  1. Go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  2. On the right you’ll see the tab 'Post' – expand this settings list and go to the 'Disqus shortname' position.
  3. Paste your 'Disqus shortname', e.g. copy only your-site from
  4. Finally, click 'Save' to activate.

Editing a theme

To edit files, you will need to unzip the theme archive — at this point you will have access to the necessary files indicated in the theme documentation.

  1. To edit your theme files, download a copy of the theme. For this purpose go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin and click 'Change theme' in the bottom right corner.
  2. Use the 'Installed' tab menu in the upper right corner to download your theme, then unzip the theme locally.
  3. Once the theme is unzipped, the files can be edited using an code editor – make the changes indicated in the theme documentation.
You can edit files using applications (code editor) such as Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code or Brackets. Using native text editors like TextEdit on macOS may add formatting may cause the theme to work incorrectly.
  1. When you’ve finished making changes to the theme code, re-zip the theme directory for uploading back to Ghost.
To create a zip archive on a macOS, right-click on the theme folder to view the context menu. Then, click the 'Compress' option. On Windows right-click on the theme folder, select 'Send to', and then select 'Compressed (zipped) folder'.
  1. To upload a theme, go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin and click 'Change theme' in the bottom right corner.
  2. Then click the 'Upload theme' button in the upper right corner.
  3. Once uploaded, click 'Activate' to activate the theme on your site.

Updating a theme

Updates to the theme ensure compatibility with the latest Ghost version, performance improvements and minor bug fixes. So it is important that you use the latest available theme version.

If your theme features custom code, updating it with the latest versions will overwrite all your customizations.

  1. Download the latest version of the theme, then unzip the archive locally.
  2. Choose a theme version that is compatible with your Ghost version.
  3. To upload a theme, go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin and click 'Change theme' in the bottom right corner.
  4. Then click the 'Upload theme' button in the upper right corner.
  5. Once uploaded, click 'Activate' to activate the theme on your site.
Tip: What if you’ve already edited the theme, and want to update it without losing your changes?

That’s a bit trickier to deal with but not impossible, as long as you can remember what the changes were, or more specifically which files you edited. Unfortunately in Ghost when updating a theme you have to re-enter your changes.

For more advanced users, it can be helpful to use a comparing files app like Sublime Merge – that way you can find your changes if you don’t remember them.

Tip: After uploading the theme my settings in Design section were reset, what should I do?

The best solution is to always use the same name e.g. – that way you will not have to enter your settings again after uploading a theme.

Ghost assigns the settings in the 'Design & branding' section to the name of the uploaded archive. If you upload and – Ghost will recognize them as two different themes – so the settings will reset.

Theme translation

Translations are used both when you want to add a new language and when you want to edit current phrases used in the theme.

Editing current phrases used in the theme (Requires theme editing)
  1. You’ll need to open the theme’s ../locales/en.json file in your code editor.
  2. Change the sentences used in the theme following the pattern:
    "Old translate": "New translate",
  1. After making your changes, save your file, compress the theme into a zip format, and upload it to Ghost.
Translation to another language (Requires theme editing)
  1. Inside the ../locales/ folder, add target language file for example es.json for Spanish and pl.json for Polish (a valid language code must be used).
  2. Based on the translation from the en.json file, add translations for your language in your code editor. For example, for Spanish, use in the es.json file:
    "Back": "Volver",
    "Newer Posts": "Artículos Siguientes",
    "Older Posts": "Artículos Anteriores",
  1. After making your changes, save your file, compress the theme into a zip format, and upload it to Ghost.
  2. Then, go to the 'Publication Language' settings in the Ghost Admin.
  3. Enter the correct language code into the 'Site language' field.
  4. Finally, click 'Save' to activate.

Posts per page

The number of posts provided will depend on the 'post per page' setting which you can configure in your package.json file.

Step-by-Step (Requires theme editing)
  1. You’ll need to open the theme’s package.json file in your code editor and find:
"config": {
    "posts_per_page": <value>
  1. Change the current value to the expected value.
  2. Save your package.json file in root folder.